Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last Game....

Played against Skools Junior yesterday, and managed to score one and assist one... It was a rather good game for me, but not so for the team... We could have drawn or won the game.... But overall i think this season is a big improvement from last season for me... Hopefully there's still next season to come, and i can perform much better... Felt quite sad that the season is over so soon... Now gotta train for my other sports... Can't wait for IHG to come...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Recess Week....

This week was supposed to be recess week, but sumhow i ended up staying in hall.... Actually intended to study in hall for the week, but instead was either going for trainings, going out or playing games... Really not productive at all... But kinda enjoyed this week though, got to rest, no lessons, lots of exercise... Quite a fulfilling life in a sense too... and had quite a time too... haha... those who know will understand...
School's starting soon, and time seems to fly very fast... exams coming in about a month and a half's time... then it's going to be a very busy holiday for me... occupied with all the IHGs, Annual Camp and Appreciation Dinner planning.... but still looking forward to holidays... haha.... hope it comes soon...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Another great game!!

Played against One West Supernova today, and though i had to wake up damn early to go to Woodlands as the game starts at 10am at RP, i gotta say that i didn't regret it at all... Played a very great game today, scoring one goal too! After the game, the coach praised me again for the good game. It's the second game in a row that he has said that. Felt great.... Last game next week, hopefully it will be as good as these two games...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good Game!!

Played against Springfield Ewoks today.... i personally think it was the best game that i have played in... We had only 8 players, plus a goalie, and the other team had lots of players... But we showed our mental toughness, and showed everyone that numbers don't count everytime... It was a nice game to play in... Was performing at my best today... Felt really good... After the game, the coach said that i was one of the best players in the team... haha... it felt really good, but i felt that there was more that i can do.... hopefully every game can be as enjoyable as this game....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Photos for DnD...

As always, shall share my photos taken during DnD...

Huiyi...Pamela, Huiyi and Sarah...Sarah...Miao Ting...Beavan...Hui Yen...Pamela...Charissa...Jek...Siyuan...Ken...Jun Hao...Wei Chen...Dawen...Kang Fu...Taza!!!Zena...Zena and Cheryl, our pageant contestant...Desmond...Willard, our male contestant, Zena and Pamela...Sarah and Huiyi...Tay Xi...Tay Xi, Sarah, Huiyi and Pamela...Jeffrey...Yizhen...Henry...Shaun and Pamela...Mei Rong...Sebastian...Chin Kee...Kian Giap...Kenny...Kee Siang...

Hall 11 DnD...

Went for hall 11 Dinner and Dance today, or should i say yesterday... lol... Had lots of fun in the event, and took lots of photos with my friends... After the event, as a lot of us were still feeling hungry, we went to eat supper, initially at Kembangan, then we changed location to Geylang... Had dim sum, then took some photos on the road, then came home.... Just reached home, and i'm damn tired now... Photos shall wait till i get the full set...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Been rather slack since the start of school, not having much to do... spending my time playing games, going around....
Now that projects are starting, i no longer have the luxury to enjoy my life away... having lots of work soon... Readings piling up, projects taking up most of my time, mid-term tests in a week's time.... Haiz... Even though it's a bit soon, but i'm already looking forward to December.... Gotta start working hard now, it's a bit late i know... But nevertheless, late is better than never... Work hard people!!!