Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Celebrating Christmas!

Went to Marilyn's house to celebrate Christmas, and we met at TM earlier to buy food before heading to her house. The other people arrived soon after, and the whole house was soon filled with our noise. No prizes for guessing who made the most noise though... lol...
We exchanged presents at 7pm, because some of them gotta leave early. It was a hilarious moment, and we all had a good laugh...
Dinner followed, and everyone stood around the table to have our steamboat. It was the first time i ever heard people having steamboat for Christmas, but it was a memorable feeling. There was a cozy feeling to it, and it felt as if everyone knew each other for a long time, even though some of them have only seen each other for the first time. Everyone was chatting happily, joking around, and there wasn't any feeling of awkwardness at all. And I had a very filling dinner.
After resting for a while and digesting our food, we went down to the pool to enjoy our bottle of red wine. And nothing good can happen when a lot of people are by the pool, and indeed, Marilyn was thrown into the pool, which was started by none other than me! Haha... Sorry, but it was fun!
Enjoyed our log cake from Awfully Chocolate after we finished the bottle of red wine, and the log cake was really nice! After that, everyone
just sat down in the living room and started talking. Went for a supper of sorts after seeing Aiting to the taxi later in the night, and came back to finish up the movie that we had watched halfway through before going out. On our way back, we witnessed a taxi knocking down a cyclist, but the amazing thing was that the cyclist stood up almost immediately and rode off as if nothing had happened! I must say the cyclist is really strong to be able to withstand such an impact, because we heard a really loud bang...
By the time we got back, everyone was feeling exhausted, and one by one, everyone fell asleep on the couch. We woke up the next morning, and went to have breakfast at Tampines before going home... To sleep again... Haha... I really enjoyed this celebration, and hopefully, every year can be as enjoyable...
I feel that my schedule for Christmas this year is really packed, but this is a good sign, because it means that my social circle is widening... I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas like i do!
Feeling tired now from the lack of sleep, so i shall end here...

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