Was very funny at the library. Marilyn came, wearing her brown jacket, and when she was resting her head on the table, with the hood covering, both me and At pressed the hood down on the table, and Marilyn could not raise her head, and she was sort of screaming silently and struggling... it was a really funny sight... lol... and we kept pulling the strings of her jacket... haha...
Had an ultimately funny trip back home with Marilyn and At. Firstly, while taking bus 179 out to boon lay interchange, I refused to let At sleep on the bus, and kept waking her up till she went mad... lol... On the train to outram park, both me and At kept playing with Marilyn and her jacket, and the whole carriage was sort of looking at us... then on NEL, i "nagged" throughout the whole journey... haha... even i'm amazed with myself for being able to talk non-stop for so long... lol..
Went back to MJ this morning, and talked to a few teachers that have taught me before, and gave new year cards to Mdm and Ms Kohs (short form since both of them have Koh as their surname)... Sat beside Ms Seah during the performance, and kinda sorry that i forgot to get her a new year card.(Sorry about that, i'll give next year.). Was kinda surprised at how much Mj has changed since we left... Became more comfortable, with the Batam resort-like area near the classroom blocks...

When i reached home, i realised that there were really a lot of flower pots along the corridor, the work of my mother... lol... Shall show u the flowers...
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