Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Post

This is a super random post, just to post something on my blog, since someone kept saying that I haven't been updating my blog... hahaha...
Anyway not much has happened recently... Whole holiday it has been IHG, IHG and more IHG.... Other than the one week spent in Bangkok, IHG has taken up most of the time.... Not that I'm complaining though... It's my favourite time of the year....
Bangkok was super fun... Bought really a lot of things, walked a lot, ate a lot... Things are really cheap and sometimes nice there.... I wouldn't mind going there again if I have the chance....
Huiyi left for Sweden yesterday... It will be a long 6 months.... But hope she enjoys herself there... Afterall it was what she had always wanted...
For some of you who know, recently has been good for me for some reasons!! :)
That's all the updates for now...

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